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Access Control

Roles and permissions in the organization are displayed on the People page. If you are a project owner, you can create new roles or update existing ones from the access control panel.


Roles define a set of permissions given to a user or a group of user. They allow to determine the rights given to each user. Roles are project bound. This means that the same user may have a different role depending on the project. Roles defined on the project level are only available within that project.


Roles are a crucial element to consider when securing your resources. Roles must be attributed following a least privilege policy to avoid any unwarranted access.

Default roles

There are 4 default roles in a standard project: Guess, Developer, Manager and Project Owner. They are meant for the following use:

  • Guest: The guest role allows a user to view the platform without having access to sensitive data or the ability to make any modifications.
  • Developer: The "default" developer will be able to create workspaces based on admin-defined project rules.
  • Manager: The manager has all the tech lead's permissions, in addition to accessing the project's metrics.
  • Project Owner: The project owner has all the manager's permissions, in addition to accessing the project's audit and manage the user's security feature, such privilege elevation.

To each role is attached the set of permissions described below.

Refer to the permissions section for an explanation about each permission.

PermissionGuestDeveloperManagerProject Owner
Workspace Apps::AccessYesYesYesYes
Workspace Apps::ManageYesYesYesYes
Workspaces::Manage PersonalNoYesYesYes
Workspaces::Manage ProjectNoYesYesYes
Metrics::Access PersonalNoYesYesYes
Metrics::Access ProjectNoNoYesYes

Create a new role Project Owner


Permissions describe the rights given to a user for a specific access.

Please find below the detail of each access mentioned above.

Workspace Apps::No AccessThe user cannot access apps running on the workspace.
Workspace Apps::AccessThe user can access and view apps shared with the user by other users.
Workspace Apps::ManageThe user can open and close ports of workspaces.
Workspaces::No AccessUser cannot access workspaces
Workspaces::AccessUser can access workspaces assigned to her, but cannot edit properties or modify access control to resources, or delete her workspace.
Workspaces::Manage PersonalUser can create personal workspaces (i.e. with admin pre-defined characteristics), manage access control to the project resources, and delete personal workspaces.
Workspaces::Manage ProjectUser can create custom workspaces and assign it to any user in the project. The user can edit or delete any workspaces in the project.
Resources::No AccessThe user cannot access the Resources dashboard and see registered resources.
Resources::AccessThe user can access the Resources dashboard and see registered resources, but cannot edit or delete them.
Resources::ManageThe user can access the Resources dashboard and see, edit and delete project repositories, secrets, external services and data buckets.
Resources::ImportThe user can import new git repositories, container images and SAML connected apps, as well as manage all resources.
Resources::RegulatedThe user can access resources registered as regulated, i.e. falling under some regulations
Resources::ConfidentialThe user can access resources registered as confidential such as intellectual property, etc.
Security::No AccessThe user does not have access to security metrics.
Security::AccessThe user has access to the Audit dashboard, define network policies (Resource Dashboard), but cannot add, edit or delete them.
Security::ManageThe user can add, edit and delete workspace images, registry credentials, network policies, generate platform API keys and update project settings.
Metrics::No AccessThe user has no access to the Insights dashboard.
Metrics::Access PersonalThe user has access to the Insights dashboard and see only personal metrics.
Metrics::Access ProjectThe user has access to the Insights dashboard and see both personal and project-level metrics.
Members::No AccessThe user cannot see the project's members (no People dashboard).
Members::AccessThe user can see the project's members in the People dashboard.
Members::ManageThe user can add and remove members to the project with the People dashboard.