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A Template is a particular workspace configuration stored for later reuse. They are useful to quickly create new workspaces with the same configuration as a previous one.

View Templates

Templates are displayed in the "Templates" section of the Workspaces Page.

A template is defined by the following characteristics:

  • Basic Information: name, container image, CPU/RAM/Storage settings, and description,
  • Class Level: confidential or regulated,
  • Workspace Configuration: All the other elements describing a workspace.

Default Templates

There are a few example templates provided in a standard project: Monitored VSCode, Restricted VSCode and Inspected VSCode. They are provided as examples with the characteristics below:

NameImageCPU / RAM / StorageDescription
Monitored VSCode TemplateDefault Generic Image2 CPU / 4 GB / 20 GBThis is a standard template to create a instance of a fully-updated Ubuntu container with monitored traffic and clipboard.
Restricted VSCode TemplateDefault Generic Image2 CPU / 4 GB / 20 GBThis is a standard template to create a instance of a fully-updated Ubuntu container with restricted traffic with a series of exceptions (apt, npm, pip) and monitored clipboard.


For the Inspected VSCode Template, application using certificates in custom locations (folders) in the container will likely fail. Contact your administrator for more details.

Create a Template Permission: Workspaces::Manage Project

Create a Workspace from a Template

You can create a workspace from an existing one by pressing the "Create from Template" button on the drop-down button of the "Create Workspace" button.