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Security Page

In the Security Page you can manage the different access keys, secrets and tokens that are linked to the user's profile. This includes Code Repository Tokens, Personal Secrets, Remote Access Over SSH keys, your Personal SSH Identity, API Keys and GPG Keys. The keys and tokens are used to authenticate and authorize access to different services, such as remote repository applications, and to make API calls. By managing their keys, tokens and secrets in one location, users can easily keep track of which ones are being used, for what purpose and can revoke or add new ones as needed. The page also allows the user to view, create, and remove them, to manage access levels and to have an overview of their expiration date. This helps to ensure that only authorized users have access to the necessary resources and services, and that access is revoked when necessary.

Code Repository Tokens

Under Code Repository Tokens, you can configure authentication, using OAuth Authentication Tokens or Personal SSH Keys, to the following git providers:

  • GitHub,
  • GitLab,
  • and Bitbucket. For certain of these git providers, you have the option to choose between the 'Default' or 'Internal' options. An 'Internal Service' is self-hosted, whereas a 'Default Service' is hosted on the cloud.

Personal Secrets

Under Personal Secrets, you can manage your secrets. You add secrets that appear as files in your workspace, or add them as environement variables.

Remote Access Over SSH

You can access your workspace using SSH, which allows you to run VSCode locally. Trusted public keys for SSH authentication are displayed in this section. Each key is linked to your profile. One benefit of accessing your workspace using SSH is flexibility. By allowing you to run VSCode on your local machine, you can still leverage the powerful hardware of the remote machine and still not give up on security. View SSH Into Your Workspace to set it up.

Personal SSH Identity

You can generate a personal SSH key to authenticate yourself when accessing external resources. The SSH key will be applied to new or existing workspaces.

API Keys

An API key is a unique identifier used to establish a connection to an API call. Once connected, the API service will be available in your workspaces. API keys are used to authenticate the source of a request and make sure that the API is only used as intended. API keys are often used by web and mobile apps to connect to web-based services and retrieve or update data.

GPG Keys

You can generate and automatically deploy GPG keys to authenticate your commits on supported Git repository applications (i.e. GitHub).