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Code Repositories

Code repositories are used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on source code developed using software development projects. The format supported by the platform to manage source code repositories is GIT. Therefore assets from providers using this format can be imported to the platform and attached to workspaces. Currently, providers such as GitHub, GitLab and BitBuckets are supported. In addition, you can import GIT repositories manually by providing the necessary information.

View Repositories

Code Repositories who information has been imported in the project are displayed in the table. You may search for one or filter those used in workspaces.

A code repository is defined by the following characteristics:

  • Basic information: Information such as name, scope of use (platform, organization or project), the user who added it, GIT service provider e.g. GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, URL.
  • Class Level: This option defines the visibility for the repository based on the user's permissions.
  • Asset Information: This option allows for providing a description of the repository.

Import a Repository Permission: Resources::Import