View Users
Users participating in the project or organization are displayed in the table at the top of the People page.
You can see the role, permissions and public details for each user.
Search for Users
You can look for a specific user in the project using the search bar or by browsing the tabs.
Recent activity and roles are displayed next to the username. Counts of connected users and total users are visible above the search bar.
Project Map
When available, you can check the location of users based on their IP address by clicking on the map icon. This feature is available only when enabled by the administrator of the platform.
Onboard a User in a Project Permission: Members::Manage
Remove a User Permission: Members::Manage
Public Details
On the user profile you can see his email address, time-zone and location. These details are visible by everyone with the Members::Access permission in the project.
Your public details can be modified in the profile page
Roles and Permissions
On the user profile you can view your current role in context of the currently selected project.
Refer to the Access Control page for more details around the access control policies on the platform.